
Use of Information Technology to Control Machinery

In accounting and business, the utilization of IT to control operations involves specific activities performed by systems or individuals, who are trained and designed to ensure the achievement of the business's objectives and goals. They are a part of the enterprise’s internal control. The intention of the information technology control relates to the integrity, availability, and confidentiality of the data and the overall management of the business enterprises IT functions. These controls are typically categorized into two groups: IT application...[Read more]

What is the Information Technology Audit?

An information system audit or IT Audit is an analysis of the management controls, which is within the infrastructure of information technology. The assessment of the retrieved evidence will determine if the information systems are operating effectively, maintaining the integrity of data, and safeguarding the assets to achieve the company’s objectives or goals. The following reviews may be performed in combination with the internal audit, financial statement audit, or in other forms of the attestation engagement. What is the Purpose...[Read more]

Cloud Computing

Cloud computing is a paradigm-shifting technology that has revolutionized the way businesses and individuals manage and utilize computing resources. At its core, cloud computing refers to the delivery of various services – including storage, processing power, and software – over the Internet. Instead of relying solely on local hardware and software, users can tap into a network of remote servers hosted in data centres around the world. Why Choose Cloud Computing? Seamless Scalability: With our cloud-based services, you can effortlessly...[Read more]

Big Data

Big data has emerged as a transformative force in the modern digital landscape, reshaping the way businesses, researchers, and individuals interact with information. It refers to the massive and complex sets of data that exceed the processing capacity of traditional database systems. These datasets are characterised by their volume, velocity, and veracity, collectively known as the 4V's. With the advent of advanced technologies, such as the Internet of Things(IoT), social media, and sensor networks, the accumulation of data has surged...[Read more]

Basic Internet and Computer Terms Everyone Should Know

As a sort of follow up to my last blog post about common IT problems and solutions, I thought it might be helpful to have a quick rundown of some basic Internet and computer terms and knowledge. As an IT company, we often get calls about IT issues that are difficult for both us and the client. And it’s not because it’s a complicated issue – it’s because the client does not know how to properly describe their problem. (more…)...[Read more]

Stop Stressing: Easy Solutions to IT Problems

With the digitization and automation of today’s business, technology and knowing how to navigate it is becoming a necessary skill. Perhaps an IT company such as ourselves shouldn’t be giving out DIY solutions, but we are committed to making our customers’ lives as easy as possible. And sometimes, it’s not calling your IT team – it’s just restarting your computer. These technology tips will hopefully help the people out there who aren’t as tech-savvy, or simply don’t have the time...[Read more]
Blog Cyber Security

Navigating the Internet of Things

Forbes recently published an article about how the Internet of Things contributes to our safety. However, I found the article to be somewhat one-dimensional.For those who don’t know, the Internet of Things (IoT) is defined broadly as “the network of physical devices, vehicles, home appliances, and other items embedded with electronics, software, sensors, actuators, and connectivity which enables these things to connect, collect and exchange data” (Wikipedia). The definition may be a mouthful, but in essence, it signifies that IoT...[Read more]

Uncovering The Cloud

It’s time to finally understand The Cloud. The term is everywhere nowadays – cloud computing, cloud storage, cloud backups – but most people hesitate when asked what exactly it is. In reality, it's simpler than you might think. It's not a mystical fog that hovers over your computer, magical storing all your pictures Nor is it an excruciatingly complex technology that requires a degree to understand. The cloud, or cloud computing, refers to the storage and access of data, applications...[Read more]
Blog Cyber Security

Internet Security and Cyber Attacks

As more and more of our personal information is digitized, the significance of cybersecurity is steadily growing. Ransomware, phishing, and other malicious software are becoming more frequent and more dangerous. Forbes reports that American businesses lose approximately half a billion dollars a year to phishing scams, as well as priceless time and resources fixing the damage caused. Ransomware is also a massive issue (and grossly underreported). The malware of choice for hackers with 60% of malware payloads, businesses are often...[Read more]
Blog Branding

Creative Social Media

In today’s ever advancing society, social media has taken the world by storm, completely upturning how both individuals and businesses interact with each other and how they present themselves. Although the technology for social media has been in the works since the 1970’s with the creation of early forms of message-forum applications and instant messaging, it wasn’t until decades later that social media really began taking off. The launching of platforms like Facebook, YouTube, and Instagram in the earlier 2000’s...[Read more]